Exterior Colour

VIN und Farbcode Typschild Fahrertür
VIN and colorcode type plate driver door

D  Availability by model year OPEL (D)

Uni paint
13.5 14 14.5 14.5(2) 15 15.5 16 16.5 17 17.5 18 18(2) 18.5 19 19(2) 19.5
Schnee Weiß yes
Two-coat pearlescent paint
13.5 14 14.5 14.5(2) 15 15.5 16 16.5 17 17.5 18 18(2) 18.5 19 19(2) 19.5
Indigo Blau yes no
Mahagoni Braun yes no
Platin Anthrazit no yes no
Quarz Grau no yes
Samt Rot yes no
Silber Grau yes no
Smaragd Grün no yes
Tiefsee Blau no yes
Two-coat metallic paint
13.5 14 14.5 14.5(2) 15 15.5 16 16.5 17 17.5 18 18(2) 18.5 19 19(2) 19.5
Argon Silber no yes no
Arktis Blau no yes no
Azur Blau yes no
Beige Silber no yes no
Bronze Braun no yes no
Champagner yes no
Diamant Blau no yes
Graphit Schwarz yes no
Kokosnuss Braun no yes
Mineral Weiß yes no
Moccacino yes no
Onyx Schwarz no yes
Platin Silber no yes no
Rouge Braun no yes no
Sienna Braun no yes no
Brilliant paint
13.5 14 14.5 14.5(2) 15 15.5 16 16.5 17 17.5 18 18(2) 18.5 19 19(2) 19.5
Lava Rot no yes

13.5=15.01.2013 / 14=24.06.2013 / 14.5=11.11.2013 / 14.5(2)=05.05.2014 / 15=23.06.2014 / 15.5=15.12.2014 / 16=29.06.2015 / 16.5=16.11.2015 / 17=20.06.2016 / 17.5=05.12.2016 / 18=19.06.2017 / 18(2)=15.08.2017 / 18.5=04.12.2017 / 19=30.04.2018 / 19(2)=23.07.2018 / 19.5=19.11.2018 /

D  Availability by model year VAUXHALL (UK)

Uni paint
13.5 14 14.5 15 16 17 17.5 18
Summit White yes
Two-coat pearlescent paint
13.5 14 14.5 15 16 17 17.5 18
Asteroid Grey yes no
Blue Buzz yes no
Darkmoon Blue no yes
Emerald Green no yes no
Macadamia yes no
Mercure Red yes no
Rioja Red no yes
Two-coat metallic paint
13.5 14 14.5 15 16 17 17.5 18
Carbon Flash yes no
Cosmic Grey no yes
Deep Sky Blue yes no
Flip Chip Silver no yes no
Mineral Black no yes
Nougat yes no
Persian Blue no yes no
Sculpture Bronze yes no
Seashell yes no
Soft Bronze no yes no
Sovereign Silver no yes

USA  Availability by model year BUICK (USA)

2016 2017 2018 2019
Carbon Black Metallic yes no
Carrageen Metallic no yes
Dark Moon Blue Metallic no yes
Deep Sky Metallic yes no
Ebony Twilight Metallic no yes
Flip Chip Silver Metallic yes no
Graystone Metallic yes no
Rioyes Red Metallic no yes
Smoked Pearl Metallic no yes
Sport Red no yes
Summit White yes
Toasted Coconut Metallic yes no
True Blue Metallic no yes no

AUS  Availability by model year HOLDEN (AUS)

2014 2015 2016 2017
Carbon Flash Black yes
Deep Sky Blue yes
Nitrate Silver yes
Phantom Grey yes
Summit White yes

NZ  Availability by model year HOLDEN (NZ)

2014 2015 2016 2017
Coconut yes
Cosmic Grey yes
Mineral Black yes
Nitrate yes
Summit White yes
True Blue yes

Uni paint

Schneeweiß / Schnee Weiß / Summit White / Blanc Glacier
GAZ / 40R / WA-8624
Buick Summit White
© Jason 2018
Buick - Summit White
Opel Schnee Weiß
Opel - Schnee Weiß
Vauxhall Summit White
© Barry
Vauxhall - Summit White

Two-coat pearlescent paint

Indigo Blau / Blue Buzz
GU3 / 22N
Opel Indigo Blau
© Marcus
Opel - Indigo Blau

Mahagonibraun / Mahagoni Braun / Dark Mahagony / Mahogany / Macadamia / Brun Acajou
GOP / 41C
(special color)
Opel Mahagoni Braun
Opel - Mahagoni Braun
Opel Mahagoni Braun
© Mr. Bertone
Opel - Mahagoni Braun
Opel Mahagoni Braun
© Andre
Opel - Mahagoni Braun
Opel Mahagoni Braun
© Wolfgang
Opel - Mahagoni Braun
Opel Mahagoni Braun
© Uwe
Opel - Mahagoni Braun

Silber Grau / Platin Anthrazit / Phantomgrau / Gris Astéroïde / Asteroid Grey / Phantom Grey / Graystone Metallic
GWH / WA-169V / L190
Opel Platin Anthrazit
© Nadine 2017
Opel - Platin Anthrazit
Opel Platin Anthrazit
© Ralf
Opel - Platin Anthrazit
Vauxall Phantom Grey
© Steve
Vauxhall - Phantom Grey

Quarz Grau / Cosmic Grey / Smoked Pearl Metallic
GR5 / 10A / WA-445Y
Opel Quarz Grau
© Ansgar
Opel - Quarz Grau
Opel Cosmic Grey
© Yves
Opel - Cosmic Grey
Vauxhall Cosmic Grey
© Colin
Vauxhall - Cosmic Grey

Samt Rot / Very Berry / Mercure Red
GWL/ 50N
Opel Samt Rot
© Ray 2017
Opel - Samt Rot - Malbec Rot
Opel Samt Rot
© Uwe
Opel - Samt Rot
Opel Samt Rot
© Elke
Opel - Samt Rot - Malbec Rot

Smaragdgrün / Smaragd Grün / Emerald Green / Vert Emeraude / Carrageen
G6R / 30V / WA-182X
Opel - Smaragd Grün
© Sil Via
Opel - Smaragd Grün
Opel - Smaragd Grün
© Sascha (Checker) 2015
Opel - Smaragd Grün
Opel - Emerald Green
© Angelique
Opel - Emerald Green

Tiefsee Blau / Darkmoon Blue / Darkmoon Blue Metallic
GDX / 22X / WA-467B
Opel Tiefsee Blau
© Marcus
Opel - Tiefsee Blau

Two-coat metallic paint

Argonsilber / Argon Silber / Sovereign Silver / Gris Minéral / Nitrate Silver / Nitrate
GAN / 176
Opel - Argon Silber
© Günther
Opel - Argon Silber
Opel - Argon Silber
© Uwe
Opel - Argon Silber

Arktis Blau / True Blue / Bleu Intense / Persian Blue / True Blue Metallic
GDS / 22V / WA-445Y
Opel - Arktis Blau
© Jiří
Opel - Arktis Blau

Azurblau / Azur Blau / Deep Sky Blue / Bleu Astral / Deep Sky Metallic
GWJ / 22S / WA-167V
Buick - Deep Sky Metallic
© Rich
Buick - Deep Sky Metallic
Opel - Azur Blau
© Rüdiger
Opel - Azur Blau

Moccacino / Beige Silber / Nougat
G5N / 191
Opel - Beige Silber
© Ve To
Opel - Beige Silber
Opel - Beige Silber
© Ma Ni
Opel - Beige Silber

Bronze Braun / Bronze Brown / Bronze Doré / Soft Bronze
H06 / 41V
Opel Bronze Braun
© Anyes 2018
Opel - Bronze Braun
Opel Bronze Braun
© Marco
Opel - Bronze Braun

Diamantblau / Diamant Blau / Magnetic Silver / Gris Squale / Flip Chip Silver / Flip Chip Silver Metallic
GWD / 189 / WA-161V / L189
Opel Diamant Blau
© Mick Ja
Opel - Diamant Blau
Buick Flip Chip Silver Metallic
© Kurt
Buick - Flip Chip Silver Metallic

Grafitschwarz / Graphit Schwarz / Noir Carbone / Carbon Flash / Carbon Flash Black / Carbon Black Metallic
GAR / 22C / WA-501Q
Opel - Graphit Schwarz
© Maik
Opel - Graphit Schwarz

Kokosnuss Braun / Coconut / Dark Caramel / Brun Caramel / Toasted Coconut
GDB / 41S / WA-459Y / L41S
Buick - Toastet Coconut
© Michael
Buick - Toastet Coconut
Buick - Toastet Coconut
© Herm
Buick - Toastet Coconut

Mineralweiß / Mineral Weiß / Seashell
GWA / 187
Opel - Mineral Weiß
© Marcus
Opel - Mineral Weiß

Onyx Schwarz / Mineral Black / Ebony Twilight Metallic
GB9 / 22Y / WA-507B
Buick Ebony Twilight Metallic
© David 2018
Buick - Ebony Twilight Metallic
Opel - Onyx Schwarz
© Kerstin
Opel - Onyx Schwarz
Buick Ebony Twilight Metallic
© Ollie
Buick - Ebony Twilight Metallic

Platin Silber / Platinum Silver / Gris Platinium
GDQ / 198
Opel Platin Silber
© Sven
Opel - Platin Silber

Rouge Braun / Rouge Brown / Rioyes Red / Rioyes Red Metalli
G0Y / 50W / WA-491C
Buick Rioyes Red Metallic
© Thom
Buick - Rioyes Red Metallic

Champagner / Sienna Braun / Noblessebeige / Sculpture Bronze
GWE / 41E
Opel Champagner
© jogi1972
Opel - Champagner

Brilliant paint

Lava Rot / Absolute Red / Sport Red
GG7 / 50S / WA-498B
(available only for Supreme package) (Only available on Sport Touring model with Dark Effects package)
Opel - Lava Rot
© Jacky & Frank 2017
Opel - Supreme - Lava Rot
Opel - Lava Rot
© Jörg
Opel - Supreme - Lava Rot
Opel - Lava Rot
© Andreas
Opel - Supreme - Lava Rot

© PIMPmyCASCADA last update 2019-10-27